O Glorious Day! What a celebration! This past Sunday, Easter, was a great day at Southmoore. The music was wonderful. Thank you, Bro. Doug, choir, and special music. The attendance was fantastic. There were 111 in the first service and 84 in the second. We all left encouraged and full of faith. The best is yet to come. So, the question needs to be asked, “Where do we go from here?” The Apostle Paul answers that question. He says that we are to “shine” like stars (Phil. 2:15).

We came together last Sunday and shouted, “The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. He is alive!” Now it is our responsibility to practice what we preach. Yes, we are to be witnesses telling all those who are in darkness that Jesus is alive and that He wants to have a personal relationship with them.

Shine, Southmoore, Shine! You can make a difference. There are people all around us who need a friend, who need encouragement, who need Jesus.

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny