Dear Southmoore Family,

Drip- Drip- Drip

This past Sunday, Judy and I were driving to church. Judy looked at me and said, “Dan, you’re dripping.” I quickly grabbed my handkerchief, wiped my nose, and said, “Thank you for letting me know.”

Then I asked, “Do you know what’s worse than a dripping nose?” She said, “No, what?”

I answered, “Having a dripping nose and not knowing it.”

I am grateful that I have a wife who lets me know when I’m not aware of what’s happening. There was a time that I would have been embarrassed by being told I have a dripping nose. Not now. I’ve gotten past that.

But what I am thankful for is that I have a wife who looks out after me. God saw fit to give me a “helper” (Genesis 2:18). And he gave me the best!

A helper is someone who supports, encourages, comforters, guides, assists, sustains, gives a hand, and much, much more.

Although Judy has spent the last 50 years taking care of me, she is limited. Is she a superwoman? Yes, of course. Is she a Proverbs 31 woman? You bet. Am I blessed? Yes. Am I spoiled? Completely.

My Sunday going to church with a dripping nose reminded me that dripping noses and going to church has something in common.

Say what?

Read on, Pilgrim.

How many times have you gone to church and, while you were minding your own business, God revealed to you that you had a drippy nose (sin)? And when the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sin, you were led to confess your sin. And by confessing your sin, God forgave you and cleansed you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Think of it this way, you came to church with a dripping nose, and left with a dry one!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny Frazee