Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

The month of January is named after a Roman god, Janus. Janus is depicted as a man with two faces: One looking back into the year passed. This face bore traces of sorrow, disappointment, trouble, and perplexity. The other face is looking forward with confidence and hope.

At this time of the year, we cannot help but look back to 2021. Not that you need my permission, but go ahead and make an inventory of the highs and lows of last year. Some of you who are reading this article are more than ready to move on. 2021 brought a broken heart, unthinkable challenges, unbelievable circumstances, and much more.

As we all begin a new year, I want to encourage you to “Press On”. These were the words Paul used to encourage the believers in Philippi. Not to compare our circumstances with the Philippians; life for them was not easy. And life for many of us has not been easy in 2021.

As Paul encouraged the believers in Philippi, I want to do the same to you. Don’t give up. Press On. Paul is describing the Christian life as a race. If a runner is going to win the race, he must keep looking forward.

Press On in 2022. Keep looking ahead. Keep straining. Keep picking them up and setting them down. And last of all, see who is waiting for you at the finish line. He is your biggest fan. You will recognize Him. He is the One with the nail-scarred hands!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny.