Work Day

September 17 – 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Join Harlan every Friday (unless otherwise noted) to help with the lawn care.

Beth Edmonson’s Funeral Service

Beth Edmonson’s service is at 3:00 pm. Donations are needed for the family dinner at 1 pm. Please bring a side dish or dessert to the church no later than 11 am on Sat.

We will live stream the service for those unable to attend.

See You at the Pole Rally

On Wednesday, Sept. 22nd the youth will head to Brookwood Baptist Church, S.W. 89th & Walker, for the annual See You At the Pole Rally, joining with the other churches from “United” for a night of fun and worship. There will be food trucks, so bring money to eat. The youth will meet and be picked up at Southmoore; we will leave at 5:45 pm and will be back a little after 8:00 pm

Operation Christmas Child at Southmoore

This year, Doug and Linda Snook are challenging Southmoore family and friends to fill 50 boxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. They will be providing more information this Sunday, October 4th, during Sunday services. However, if you would like more information about Operation Christmas Child, follow the links below.

What is Operation Christmas Child?

Click the logo to read about the mission and history.

What to Pack

Click the image for suggestions on items to pack

How to Pack a Box

Click the box to learn how to pack a box.

Journey of a Box

Click the image to learn about what happens to your box once you are done.

Pastor Appreciation Month

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and we have a pastor who is worth celebrating!

On the second Sunday of the month, we’d like to honor Pastor Danny with gifts, cards, and a short video from our congregation.

How Can You Get Involved?

Send a Gift or a Card

There is a drop-off box in the office if you’d like to bring something for the pastor. If you are unable to come by the church, you can always mail your gift or card to the office.

If you would prefer to give toward a group gift from the church, please make sure you designate “Pastor Appreciation Month” on your offering envelope or check. If you are giving online, please choose “Pastor Appreciation Month” as the giving category.

Send a Special Message for our Pastor Appreciation Video

We’d like you to record a short video and upload it below. If you’d prefer, you can contact Michelle to arrange a time to stop by the church so she can record your video for you. If you don’t want to submit a video, you can submit a short message using the form below and we will display it during the video. Not sure what to say? Tell Pastor Danny how much you appreciate him, share an encouraging scripture, or say a prayer over him and his family.

We will celebrate Pastor Appreciation Sunday on October 11th during service. Please have all videos and messages submitted prior to Thursday, October 8th.

Thank you for your contribution in honoring and celebrating all Pastor Danny does for us.

Upload Your Video/Message

If you have any problems uploading your video, please contact the office at 405-794-5491.

Jesus Teaches from a Boat

“So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”

Lukeâ€Ĵ ‭5:11â€Ĵ ‭NIVâ€Ĵâ€Ĵ

Today’s Crafts

Boat Craft


  • Sponge
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Square Foam – White
  • Foam Rectangles with Sticky Backs


  1. Cut slit into sponge
  2. Press stick into sponge
  3. Slip white foam square onto stick through pre-cut slits
  4. Stick foam rectangles onto white foam in strips
Fish Craft with Scripture


  • XL Paper Clip
  • 1 Small Wiggly Eye
  • Small Sticky Back Square Foam Pieces
  • Toilet Paper Roll
  • Construction Paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Luke 5:11 Printed on White Cardstock


  1. Wrap construction paper strip around toilet paper roll and tape in place
  2. Cut toilet paper roll into fish shape
  3. Glue fin to back of fish
  4. Decorate with square foam pieces
  5. Glue eye one fish
  6. Slide paper clip onto the back of fish
  7. Secure scripture to the fish with paperclip

Need instructions for last week’s scroll craft?

Need to submit your memory verse?

Would you like to pick up the craft supplies Heather talks about in the video?

Use the form below and we will put together a craft bag for your kids. The bags can be picked up Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Edna McMillian Offering Begins

Edna McMillan State Offering Begins

September 7, 2020

Help support local missions through our designated state missions offering. 100% of your gift advances the Gospel in Oklahoma.
If you are giving online, select Edna McMillan when prompted to choose a category. If giving by mail or in person, make sure you designate “Edna McMillan” or “Missions” on your check/envelope.