What More Could You Want?

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

I was looking out my backdoor recently and couldn’t help but notice two squirrels playing. I had seen them before, but this day they seemed extra spunky. They were chasing each other, jumping, and something I had never seen before, they were wrestling like a couple of puppies. I called Judy to come take a look. We both agreed that these two squirrels were having a good time.

And why not? It was a beautiful fall afternoon. I feed them. The sun was shining. They were healthy. Full of life. Not a care in the world. Are you jealous yet?

These two squirrels weren’t concerned about the gas prices going up – the cost of a gallon of milk – the debate about being vaccinated for the coronavirus. They were not even concerned about who was going to win the football game between OU and Baylor this weekend.

I thought to myself, those two squirrels are living in the moment. No stress – no fuss. Having fun. what more could they want? Everything they need is being taken care of: food – shelter – companionship – health.

Do you ever wish that life wouldn’t be so difficult and demanding? Me too!

Is the thought, “I can’t take it anymore,” running across your mind? Are you at the end of your rope? Keep reading.

First of all, you are not alone. You may be lonely, but you are not alone. God promises that He will never abandon you (Hebrews 13:5). He is near. Hear His still, small voice.

One last thing. Four years ago, when I was about to have open-heart surgery, my then, twelve-year-old grandson, Hagen, wrote this on a piece of paper. “Cast all your care on Jesus because He cares for you,” (1 Peter 5:7).

It’s true!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny

It’s Not Over Until It’s Over!

Dear Southmoore Family & Friends,

Basketball season is here. Can you believe it? The “round-balloons” are excited. The fans are as well.

Locally, there is not only a great measure of excitement, but also a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to the OKC Thunder basketball team. Last season was a disaster. As they say, time will tell as to how good this year’s team will be.

Last week, the Thunder basketball team was playing the LA Lakers. I was looking forward to watching the game on TV. The Thunder got off to a bad start. What could go wrong did go wrong for the Thunder – missed shots, bad passes, poor rebounding, and no defense. When the Thunder got down by 26 points, I decided to watch something else.

I guess you could say that I am not a true-blue Thunder fan. If I was, I would support them regardless of the score.

Don’t get me wrong, I do want the Thunder to win – every game. I want them to not only succeed but win the NBA Championship.

When I changed the channel and began to watch something else, I concluded that the Thunder has a lot of work to do.

I thought that this year’s team would not do any better than last year’s team.

Before I turned the TV off, I decided to check the score and see how bad the Thunder got beat. Boy, was I surprised. The Thunder rallied to win the game!

I’ve noticed that a lot of Christians have given up on the church. Things have been tough this past year and a half. Things are not the same. And what I discovered is that when people stop coming to church, they also stop praying, reading their bible, and sharing their faith.

So let me encourage you to be a Jesus fan. Support your church. It may appear that Christians are losing, but be very sure of this, Jesus is coming again (Rev. 22:7). Which means, we win in the end!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny Frazee

Empty Shelves

Can you believe it? Empty shelves at small grocery stores and big supermarkets. Doesn’t matter how big the store or its name. The businesses are scrambling to keep food on the shelves for the consumer.

Times are changing is an understatement. No one saw this coming nine months ago. Many of us are responding to this new reality like Gomer Pyle, “Gaaaleee!” (Parents, you may have to tell your children and grandchildren who Gomer Pyle is.)

The people in the know tell us that it all comes down to “Supply and Demand”. The consumer wants it, and the supplier is more than happy to supply it. Of course, the problem that the supplier is having now is that they can’t get the products. The results – empty shelves.

And no one is happy. The consumer wants what they want, and now that they can’t get what they want. the supplier is unhappy. He can’t provide the products. ☹

Now comes the finger-pointing. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m writing about. Yes, 97% of us are pointing to those who we believe are causing the problem. The other 3% are lying.

Will things get worse before they get any better? I’m not sure. But I do know this, “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19). Notice the word in this verse, needs. It doesn’t say, wants.

Must I remind you, God promises to meet our every need. And God always keeps His word. Our salvation is trusting that God will do what He says He will do…always.

Let me ask you a personal question. Are you more concerned about the empty shelves in the grocery stores, or the empty shelves in your heart?

God so wants to fill the empty shelves in your heart. You have a need, and God can and will meet that need.

What are you waiting for? Ask Him!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny Frazee


Dear Southmoore Family,

Drip- Drip- Drip

This past Sunday, Judy and I were driving to church. Judy looked at me and said, “Dan, you’re dripping.” I quickly grabbed my handkerchief, wiped my nose, and said, “Thank you for letting me know.”

Then I asked, “Do you know what’s worse than a dripping nose?” She said, “No, what?”

I answered, “Having a dripping nose and not knowing it.”

I am grateful that I have a wife who lets me know when I’m not aware of what’s happening. There was a time that I would have been embarrassed by being told I have a dripping nose. Not now. I’ve gotten past that.

But what I am thankful for is that I have a wife who looks out after me. God saw fit to give me a “helper” (Genesis 2:18). And he gave me the best!

A helper is someone who supports, encourages, comforters, guides, assists, sustains, gives a hand, and much, much more.

Although Judy has spent the last 50 years taking care of me, she is limited. Is she a superwoman? Yes, of course. Is she a Proverbs 31 woman? You bet. Am I blessed? Yes. Am I spoiled? Completely.

My Sunday going to church with a dripping nose reminded me that dripping noses and going to church has something in common.

Say what?

Read on, Pilgrim.

How many times have you gone to church and, while you were minding your own business, God revealed to you that you had a drippy nose (sin)? And when the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sin, you were led to confess your sin. And by confessing your sin, God forgave you and cleansed you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Think of it this way, you came to church with a dripping nose, and left with a dry one!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny Frazee

Thank you from Pastor Danny and Judy

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,
We want to thank you for your expressions of love and gratitude for us. The cards you gave, the words of encouragement, the gift cards, and the love offerings for Pastor Appreciation have reminded us that we are blessed beyond measure. We are so blessed to be at Southmoore Baptist Church.
I am reminded of Paul’s words that he wrote to the church of Phillippi: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:3-5)
A little over four years ago, God brought us together. Judy and I determined that we needed you more than you needed us. We are so thankful that God has open Southmoore’s door and hearts to us. With God’s help and your prayers, we, together, will continue to share the love of Christ.
We love you!
To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny Frazee

Master Chef Jr. Class – Resurrection Rolls


  • Marshmallow (Jesus)
  • Melted Butter (Oil)
  • Cinnamon & Sugar Mixture (spices)
  • Crescent Roll Dough (burial cloth)


  • Dip the marshmallow in the butter and then the cinnamon and sugar.
  • Wrap the dough around the marshmallow
  • Bake at 375 degrees for ten minutes

Get In The Game

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

I was invited to play golf last week and I said, “Yes.” Just to let you know my golf game is like Lazarus when he came out of the grave, “It stinketh.”

I have only played golf a few times all summer. There was a time that I played every week. Now it’s more like once a month. I’m not sure what happened. I guess over time, I lost my passion to play.

Now I’m sure you are wondering, “Well, Dan, how did you do?” I didn’t do very good at all. In fact, I did so bad, I threw my scorecard away. ☹

So, what happened?

First of all, I’m not a very good golfer. But the sad thing is, I’m getting worse. And it’s my fault. I don’t practice. I seldom play. I don’t focus when I’m playing. My course management is terrible. If I played golf for a living, I would be broke!

Since my golf outing last week, I’ve been doing some thinking. (Yes, I know that can be dangerous.) I’ve been thinking about how going to the golf course, and going to church, has something in common. Let me explain.

A few years ago, when I was playing every week, my golf game was pretty good. My score was in the 80s. I made a few birdies, a few pars, and looked forward to getting back on the course as soon as possible.

When Covid 19 arrived last year, it kept a lot of folks from coming to church; and understandably so. When the virus ramped up, church attendance went down. And by not being able to come to church, it has taken its toll on a lot of people. As you know, watching church services on TV is not the same as being there.

Now please don’t misunderstand me. Not everyone can, or should, come to church. I’m talking to those who can come to church and choose not to.

So let me encourage you. Get back in the game (church). I’d love to see you!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny Frazee

Work Day

September 17 – 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Join Harlan every Friday (unless otherwise noted) to help with the lawn care.

Beth Edmonson’s Funeral Service

Beth Edmonson’s service is at 3:00 pm. Donations are needed for the family dinner at 1 pm. Please bring a side dish or dessert to the church no later than 11 am on Sat.

We will live stream the service for those unable to attend.