Get In The Game

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

I was invited to play golf last week and I said, “Yes.” Just to let you know my golf game is like Lazarus when he came out of the grave, “It stinketh.”

I have only played golf a few times all summer. There was a time that I played every week. Now it’s more like once a month. I’m not sure what happened. I guess over time, I lost my passion to play.

Now I’m sure you are wondering, “Well, Dan, how did you do?” I didn’t do very good at all. In fact, I did so bad, I threw my scorecard away. ☹

So, what happened?

First of all, I’m not a very good golfer. But the sad thing is, I’m getting worse. And it’s my fault. I don’t practice. I seldom play. I don’t focus when I’m playing. My course management is terrible. If I played golf for a living, I would be broke!

Since my golf outing last week, I’ve been doing some thinking. (Yes, I know that can be dangerous.) I’ve been thinking about how going to the golf course, and going to church, has something in common. Let me explain.

A few years ago, when I was playing every week, my golf game was pretty good. My score was in the 80s. I made a few birdies, a few pars, and looked forward to getting back on the course as soon as possible.

When Covid 19 arrived last year, it kept a lot of folks from coming to church; and understandably so. When the virus ramped up, church attendance went down. And by not being able to come to church, it has taken its toll on a lot of people. As you know, watching church services on TV is not the same as being there.

Now please don’t misunderstand me. Not everyone can, or should, come to church. I’m talking to those who can come to church and choose not to.

So let me encourage you. Get back in the game (church). I’d love to see you!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny Frazee

Where is Your Happy Place

My backyard is my “Happy Place”. It’s hard to explain, but it is a place where I can go and relax. It’s like taking a mini vacation. It doesn’t matter if I spend ten minutes or an hour; I can get away from it all.

O, there is always plenty to do: feed the squirrels and birds, maintain the swimming pool, mow the grass, water my three pepper plants, and much, much, more.

My favorite thing to do is sit. I’ll find some shade and escape from my reality. It’s therapeutic. I shut the worlds off. I can breathe. I watch. I listen. I slow down. Sooner or later, I hear God’s still voice. It’s just the two of us. He talks – I listen. I talk – He listens. It’s just the two of us!

The best part of my backyard sanctuary is that I’m reminded that I’m not alone. I know that God loves me, and what concerns me, concerns Hum. God is always ready and available to spend time with me. He really, really loves me.

I hope you have a “Happy Place”. It can be your front porch, your car, living room, or hundreds of places. A place that you can be reminded, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny Frazee

You are not alone!

I want to begin by saying “thank you” for praying for my sweetheart, Judy. My daughter, Rachel, took Judy to the hospital Sunday morning. The doctor said she had a severe case of vertigo. She was given medicine, an I.V. and was sent home with the instructions of resting.

Today, she is feeling much better and has returned to normal. We are grateful for her speedy recovery and God’s healing.

Last Sunday, I decided to “preach” first and let Bro. Doug lead the worship service last. That allowed me to get to the hospital much sooner. I know that was a big change and I don’t plan on doing that again. But at the time, I thought that was the best for everyone. Thanks for your support and understanding.

I want to remind everyone of our new schedule starting this week. Please note:

  • June 2, 2021– Wednesday night services start back at 6:30 pm
  • June 6, 2021 – Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am
  • June 6, 2021 – Sunday Worship services at 10:30 am
  • Following the service, there will be a short nursery workers meeting in the sanctuary. All workers are encouraged to attend.
  • June 2-5: Associational Children’s Camp at Falls Creek. Pray.
  • June 9, 2021 – A Vacation Bible School meeting following the Wednesday Night Bible Study in the sanctuary. VBS will be July 18-21 from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
  • June 21-26 – Falls Creek Camp for Junior High and High School. Contact Bro. Hayden for more information. There’s a parent meeting on June 13 after service. Please have forms and fees in by the 6th.

As you can see, we are starting to get back to our “old normal”. There are many ways you can be a part of Southmoore’s ministry. Get involved.

The East Wing project is making a little progress. We are hoping things will pick up in the near future. Pray.

I want to personally thank you for your continued support to Southmoore with your tithes and offerings. Your giving to God’s work speaks volumes of your love for the Lord and His church. You are amazing!

Something to think about –

Have you ever felt like you are the only one on the planet that is going through your crisis? Me too. My 15-year-old grandson, Deacon, said to me last week, “Papa, if it’s not one thing, it’s the other.” I thought to myself, “Welcome to the real world.”

No, we are not alone. People on all sides are going through something. Yes, there is misery, sadness, grief, setbacks, and hardships all around us.

Please allow me to share some good news. You are not alone! God is on your side. He is for you and not against you. Read on, Pilgrim. “He will rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; He will sing and be joyful about you.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

God is cheering for you. He waits for you at the finish like. He calls you by name. Are you too tired to continue? He will carry you. Can’t you hear Him shouting your name? Have you stumbled? He will pick you up!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny Frazee

P.S. Please pray for us this week. We will be at Falls Creek with the children. Thank you!

What Season is it?

We opened our swimming pool last week. To our surprise, the water was clear. I was prepared to see green water. Didn’t happen. We were pretty excited. Of course, we also know that just because the water was clear, it didn’t mean that there were no issues.

I took a sample of water to have it checked at Fox Pools. The first question I was asked is how the water looked? I answered, “It looks good and clear.”

A few minutes later, I was told that there were some problems with the water – it would have to be shocked. I did what was recommended, and now we not only have clear water,  but also water free from invisible hazards.

The pool had been closed for approximately six months. That meant not only did we have a cover over it, but also the water was not being circulated. Standing water is never a good thing. It’s ok for a while, but definitely not six months.

This has reminded me what happens to people who do not circulate. They put a cover over themselves. The results: boredom – depression – critical – defeated.

This past year has not been easy for any of us. The good news is that the pandemic is slowing down. We are told by experts that it is safe to uncover our lives and start circulating again. Of course, there are some risks.

I’m reminded of Solomon’s writings in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”

We are all faced with the same question. What season is it? Is it time to get out and about (attend Sunday School and church), or stay covered up? What say you?

To Live is Christ
Bro. Danny

You Are Chosen!

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

A few days ago, I watched some of the NFL draft on TV. The best part was when the camera was on the individual and his family when his name was called. Of course, we know that being picked to play in the National Football League is life changing. The young man selected becomes an instant millionaire. If he is smart, his financial future will be secure for the rest of his life.

But what about the young men who are not picked? What will they do? How will they respond? How will they go on?

G. Campbell Morgan, a great preacher of yesteryear, was applying for entrance into Wesleyan ministry in 1808. After passing his written exam, he then had to preach in front of a panel. When the results were released, Morgan’s name was among the hundred and five who were rejected.

He wired his dad with one word: “Rejected.” Then he sat down and wrote in his diary: “Very dark. Everything seems still. He knoweth best.” His dad wired him back, “Rejected on earth, accepted in heaven. Dad.”

G. Campbell Morgan is recognized today as one of the great heroes of the faith. His testimony will live on forever.

Morgan could have easily given up, and no one could have blamed him. His legacy will remind all of us that one can be rejected by the world but accepted and selected by god. I can’t help but think that Morgan read 1 Peter 2:9 after he was rejected. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Now we all have a decision to make. Will we accept what the world says about us, or will we accept what God says about us?

You are chosen! And don’t you forget it.

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny


  • Honoring our Graduates – We will be honoring our graduating seniors (college and high school ) during the Sunday Morning Worship services on May 23rd. Parents, please send us a collection of photos (no more than 10 or so) of your graduate. You can email the photos to, or there is a link on our website (under the “Events” tab) to upload the photos.
  • Children’s Camp Meeting May 23rd after service – If your child is going to children’s camp, please make plans to attend the brief meeting.
  • Sunday School Returns June 6th at 9:30 AM and our service will now begin at 10:30 AM
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer Meeting will return June 2nd at 6:30 PM (no meal at this time)
  • This Sunday is Pastor Danny’s anniversary of service – Please take time to thank him for his faithful service over these past 4 years.

Winter is behind us!

The green grass – leaves on the trees – flowers in bloom – warmer temperatures – reminds me that we have turned the page. Winter is now behind us. It’s springtime. We made it. Old winter is in the history books. It’s time to move on.

Of course, we know that our battle the last four or five months was more than cold temperatures, ice, and snow.

How did we make it? The answer “We didn’t give up!” We lived with the hope of a better tomorrow. Yes, it would have been easier to just throw in the towel – throw our hands in the air and say, “I surrender.” But we didn’t.

Good for you. Good for you.

In some way, we can say that we have persevered over the last several months. So, what about the future? What’s in store for us? So many unanswered questions. So many unknowns!

Does God have anything to say about all of this? He sure does! Read on pilgrim. He says, “We live by faith, not by sight,” (2 Cor. 5:16).

In other words, we are to trust God and His ability to take care of us. This doesn’t mean that we will not have more trials and troubles. It simply means that when trials and troubles come our way, we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and know that He is committed to taking care of us.

To Live is Christ
Bro. Danny

How do we respond when life isn’t “But a dream”?

What’s up? How are you doing? Killed any giants lately? Are you rolling with the punches (hail stones)? Started building your ark? Okay, that’s enough. I think I made my point.

Remember that song we sang when we were kids? “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat.” If you are fifty years old or older, you probably sang it. I did. It was an ok song. You know, one of those feel-good songs.

But I’ve come to realize that that song is somewhat misleading. The lyrics say, “Life is but a dream.” Really? The song implies that one will only experience blue skies sunshine, and calm waters.

Reality says that life can be a nightmare. Floods, hailstorms, tornadoes, train wrecks and car wrecks, disease and disaster, loneliness and emptiness.

I hope your little boat (your life) is gently floating down the stream. If it is, that’s wonderful. Enjoy it. Be grateful. Don’t take it for granted. Ride it out as long as it lasts.

But there is a good chance it won’t last forever. It didn’t for Job. Remember poor Job? The Bible said he was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1). Everything was going his way. His family was great. He had oxen, donkeys, sheep, and servants. It was said that Job was the greatest man among all the people in the East.

Then the bottom fell out. He lost everything – children, livestock, health.

How did Job respond to his tragedy? He said, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord,” (Job 1:21).

Let me close by saying: Yes, life is full of storms. Few if any will be able to avoid them. But here’s the good news. God’s children win in the end. Don’t take my word for it, take God’s word for it!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny

When was the last time you heard the voice of God?

I have a friend that lives not too far from Oklahoma City. We have known each other for several years. We don’t talk much anymore, but when we do, it’s as if we talk to each other every day.

In our last conversation, he shared with me about a recent road trip. On his way home, he decided to turn off his radio, silence his phone, and eliminate all distractions. He asked God to speak to him. He wanted to hear the voice of God. He asked God what He wanted him to do as he went forward n his life. Mile after mile, he listened.

He told me how refreshing it was to close out the world and let God have all of him. It was a road trip that he will not soon forget.

Let me ask you a personal question. When was the last time you heard the voice of God? And if you can’t say for sure when the last time you heard God’s voice, why not? I think you know the answer. Me too.

Luke tells us in Luke 5:16 that Jesus often made His way to an out-of-the-way place and spent time praying, listening, and allowing God to have all of Him. No interruptions; no outside noise.

I want to encourage you to carve out some time in the near future and give God your full attention. Simply say, “God speak; your child is listening.”

To Live is Christ
Bro. Danny

The most precious gift we have is the gift of time

The clock keeps ticking. Don’t you hear it? Tick-tock-tick-tock. Yes, time marches on.

I believe you will agree with me when I say that the most important, the most precious gift we have is the gift of time. And once a second is gone, it’s gone. There is no retrieving it. The same goes for a minute, an hour, a day, a month, and a year.

The question I’m asking myself is how did I do this past year? You know, dealing with the coronavirus, and all that comes with it. My greatest concern is that I didn’t waste a year because of Covid 19.

Paul writes: “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)

Paul is encouraging us to be a testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ. Even during a pandemic. Of course, the easy thing to do when the going gets tough is to quit – give up – throw in the towel.

It appears that we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. In many ways, we see things getting back to normal. Not to say that the coast is clear, but things are heading in the right direction. PTL.

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny

Shine, Southmoore, Shine!

O Glorious Day! What a celebration! This past Sunday, Easter, was a great day at Southmoore. The music was wonderful. Thank you, Bro. Doug, choir, and special music. The attendance was fantastic. There were 111 in the first service and 84 in the second. We all left encouraged and full of faith. The best is yet to come. So, the question needs to be asked, “Where do we go from here?” The Apostle Paul answers that question. He says that we are to “shine” like stars (Phil. 2:15).

We came together last Sunday and shouted, “The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. He is alive!” Now it is our responsibility to practice what we preach. Yes, we are to be witnesses telling all those who are in darkness that Jesus is alive and that He wants to have a personal relationship with them.

Shine, Southmoore, Shine! You can make a difference. There are people all around us who need a friend, who need encouragement, who need Jesus.

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny