Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,
I was looking out my backdoor recently and couldn’t help but notice two squirrels playing. I had seen them before, but this day they seemed extra spunky. They were chasing each other, jumping, and something I had never seen before, they were wrestling like a couple of puppies. I called Judy to come take a look. We both agreed that these two squirrels were having a good time.
And why not? It was a beautiful fall afternoon. I feed them. The sun was shining. They were healthy. Full of life. Not a care in the world. Are you jealous yet?
These two squirrels weren’t concerned about the gas prices going up – the cost of a gallon of milk – the debate about being vaccinated for the coronavirus. They were not even concerned about who was going to win the football game between OU and Baylor this weekend.
I thought to myself, those two squirrels are living in the moment. No stress – no fuss. Having fun. what more could they want? Everything they need is being taken care of: food – shelter – companionship – health.
Do you ever wish that life wouldn’t be so difficult and demanding? Me too!
Is the thought, “I can’t take it anymore,” running across your mind? Are you at the end of your rope? Keep reading.
First of all, you are not alone. You may be lonely, but you are not alone. God promises that He will never abandon you (Hebrews 13:5). He is near. Hear His still, small voice.
One last thing. Four years ago, when I was about to have open-heart surgery, my then, twelve-year-old grandson, Hagen, wrote this on a piece of paper. “Cast all your care on Jesus because He cares for you,” (1 Peter 5:7).
It’s true!
To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny