Church members can access our church directory, view their giving history, update their contact information and more through our church connect app.

Just follow the directions below to gain access Church Connect

  1. Click on the Access Church Connect button below
  2. Click on the link that says “Sign In
  3. If you are not already register, click the “Create an Account” link.
  4. Enter your email address and click Continue
  5. If your email address is in our system, skip to step #7
  6. If your email is not in our system, fill out the requested information.
  7. You will receive an email with a passcode.
  8. Return to Church Connect and enter your email and the code that was sent to you.
  9. Click Continue
  10. You will be directed to create a new password.
  11. You now have access to our Church Connect app

In the upper left-hand corner, there are three lines that will open up your menu. From this menu, you will be able to update you and your family’s contact information and birthdays. On the Your Profile screen, you can change your alert preferences and choose whether or not you’d like your information to be shared in our online directory. If you’d like to see what information is shared, click on the Directory or Photo Directory link in the top menu.

Access to your personal giving history IS NEVER included in our directory.

By clicking on Giving History, you can view your contributions for the year.