Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,
This past week, I was out running some errands. I had my to-do list and was pleased I was making some progress. It was a beautiful fall day. The sky was blue, the temperature was mild, and the wind was not blowing. One could say, “It was a picture-perfect day!”
I came to a stoplight, and while waiting for the light to turn green, I looked over my left shoulder and noticed a woman talking on her cell phone. She was the only one in her car. I didn’t want to stare, and I didn’t want the lady to look my way and think I was a nosey neighbor, so I turned my head and looked straight ahead.
The light was still red which gave me the opportunity to take one last peek. The woman was very animated while she was talking. Her hand was moving back and forth, and her head was bobbing up and down. I couldn’t help but think, “What’s going on?”
I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but I was hoping for the best. One never knows.
The “what ifs” began to set in. What if this woman is facing some health problems? Maybe she has a child who is struggling in school? Maybe the rent is due, and she doesn’t have the money to pay? Maybe she is going through a divorce?
Or maybe this woman is not facing a crisis, but has just received some good news? Maybe she was so excited she could hardly control herself.
This leads me to ask you, “What is going on in your life as you read this article?” Are you experiencing happy days? Are you living the dream? Or are you facing tough times?
I’d like to make a couple of recommendations.
#1 If you are facing tough times, I want to remind you that you have a God who loves you. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1)
# 2 If you are enjoying happy days, be sure and thank God for blessing you. “Give thanks to Him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4).
To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny