We are thankful that something has piqued your interest in our church. Whether you are a member, regular attender, or new to our church altogether, we hope this site is helpful and encouraging to you as you consider participating with us in any way.
Our History
Our church started as Trinity Baptist but changed the name to Providence following the move after a devastating tornado. After combining with Unity we changed to our current name Southmoore Baptist. While we have adapted our methods of ministry to better engage our ever-changing culture, the message that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord, and the only hope for every person on the planet, will never change!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Learn More about our History
Watch the interview with Pastor Danny on KOCO Channel 5 regarding the tornado and the dedication of the sanctuary.

Sunday Services
Wednesday Night Services
- Wednesday Night Dinner – 6:00 pm
- Adult Bible Study – 6:45 PM
- Youth Bible Study – 6:45 PM
- Children’s Master Classes – 6:45 PM
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Church Family,
Yesterday, April 26, was Administrative Professional’s Day. In layman’s terms: Secretary’s Day. I want to…
Dear Southmoore Family and Friends
Over a year ago, LeBron Wilson came from the Bahamas to Oklahoma City to play…
Press On
Dear Southmoore Family and Friends, The month of January is named after a Roman god,…
A Thanksgiving Letter from Pastor Danny
Dear Southmoore Family and Friends, I want to wish you and your family a Happy…
What’s Going On?
Dear Southmoore Family and Friends, This past week, I was out running some errands. I…
What More Could You Want?
Dear Southmoore Family and Friends, I was looking out my backdoor recently and couldn’t help…
It’s Not Over Until It’s Over!
Dear Southmoore Family & Friends, Basketball season is here. Can you believe it? The “round-balloons”…
Empty Shelves
Can you believe it? Empty shelves at small grocery stores and big supermarkets. Doesn’t matter…
Dear Southmoore Family, Drip- Drip- Drip This past Sunday, Judy and I were driving to…