Important Sunday Service Update

Dear Southmoore Baptist Church,

We all pray that we can get back to the good old days.

How long will this pandemic hold us hostage? I’m convinced only God knows. I’m not going to be guilty of minimizing our current condition. And I don’t have a clue of when we begin to live the life of old.

But I do know this, God doesn’t want us to be passive. God doesn’t want us to sit, sulk, or be sad. There is still much that we can do. You ask, “What can we do?”

We can pray. Yes, pray! The Bible teaches us that prayer changes things. Let me suggest you start praying the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.

We can be busy serving others. Start in the home. Then branch out to your neighbor or any one in need. You can make a difference. You can change someone’s life. A phone call, a text, a card, or any act of kindness will change lives.

My encouragement to you is to do something. Don’t crawl in a hole and hide. Don’t hide your candle under a bushel. Don’t forget you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-15). You have the ability and opportunity to bring light into dark places.

Before I close, I want to share a change in our Sunday morning services. We will begin having only one service on Sunday morning. Starting at 10:00 am August 2, 2020. So, help us get the word out that people will know. Especially, to those who do not read our website.

I’m praying for you. I miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you soon!

Before I close this update, I want to thank you for your continual financial support. We can continue to move forward on the East Wing Project, pay the bills, and support missions.

Southmoore, I’m blessed to be your pastor!

To Live is Christ,
Bro. Danny

New Sunday School Material is Available

Our new Sunday School material is available to pick up at the church. You can pick it up in the gym as you exit Sunday morning, or you can stop by the office during the week. If you call ahead, I can have what you need available for curbside pickup!

Letter from Pastor Danny – July 15, 2020

Dear Southmoore Family and Friends,

A lot of unanswered question remain: When will we get back to normal? When will they find a vaccine for Covid-19? When will the church be the church the way it used to be?

During a pastor’s associational meeting, one pastor said, “Being a pastor of a Baptist church today is like being in a pitch-black room trying to find a light switch.”

I am reminded of the words in Hebrew 10:25, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Did the Hebrew’s write ever go through a pandemic? Not sure. I don’t recall in the New Testament that the entire country of Israel was on lock down.

The good news is that today we have the technology to keep the church connected through our website. We still can have services! We can come into your house! We can be encouraged, challenged, and blessed through music, prayer, and preaching.

I’ll be the first to admit that the one thing I miss is the fellowship. Your pastor misses you. I miss seeing you. I miss getting to talk to you. Yes, I miss the hugs and handshakes.

Last Sunday, July 12, we were without power. The storm that rolled through Saturday night made sure of that. So, we quickly decided to have services in the foyer. There were about 20 people in attendance, and we recorded the services on YouTube so people at home wouldn’t be left out.

What next?

The church attendance has been declining the last couple of weeks. Understandable: Fourth of July weekend, storms, rise in Covid-19 cases. The Corona Virus is not slowing down. In fact, as you know, it is ramping up.

We will watch, pray, and seek counsel as to what we will do in the coming weeks. If the attendance continues to decline, we may go back to one service and continue to record the service for those at home.

If you have any suggestions, I am more than willing to hear from you.

In the meantime, we will continue to praise and pray our way through these challenging times.

The East Wing project is still making progress. It’s looking great. The heat and air are being installed; cabinets are being installed; electric and plumbing are moving forward.

To Live Is Christ,

Bro. Danny

Important Update

Please be advised: There was an individual who attend second service on June 21st who tested positive for Covid on Tuesday the 23rd. This individual is not hospitalized but home resting and on medication. As your pastor, I wanted to make you aware of this. I have been told that a virus will only stay active for a couple of hours. But also I wanted you to be aware of this so you can make your own decision whether to attend our services.

Your Pastor, Bro. Danny

Will you please help us pass this information along to those who do not have Facebook or a computer.

PROVERBS 2:1 – 3:20

Ginger Grotts

Ginger Corbet Grotts·Saturday, June 13, 2020·

In my life I have surely experienced the Lord’s discipline. I assume you have to. It has been accompanied by both pain and anxiety. It is some of the most heart wrenching stuff. It is described in this section of Proverbs with words like: chastening, rebuke, scourges, and subjection. I have not come running to the Lord asking, “ Gimme some of that stuff.” Have you ?

Proverbs 3:5-6 are our memory verses. It is often the mantra I hear from people;
“Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

I truly want the Lord to tell me how to proceed. I can understand and I believe in having faith and trusting the Lord. I have no problem acknowledging Him. It’s the “lean not on your own understanding.” What? Huh? If I can’t use what I “understand” then my mind is no good???? I thought using my mind to make good decisions, was what I was supposed to do – what I was taught?

I had the honor to spend 7 years of my life working closely, 6 hours a day, 5 days per week, with people with chronic mental illness: Schizophrenia. Bi-Polar Disorder. Severe Depression (These diseases all can cause some delusional beliefs and behaviors.) But, I was heartened to find their faith. When I introduced prayer to the program they were actually relieved. These people who because of their illness could not “lean on their own understanding” had incredible faith in the Lord. These people had some doozies of delusions. One heard voices and thought that he was under the mind control of a prisoner in a Kansas prison. No amount of “reality” could change his mind. It was his “understanding”. So how many of our understandings are delusional ? Some. I have certainly been under some false impressions. Do you have things that you have believed in the past – that were wrong? I have learned to stay in God’s Word & in prayer & in Christian fellowship. I miss our fellowship in SS Class. I have always been affected and effected by those I was spending my time with. Choose wisely who you spend time with, which many learned first hand during the quarantine .

Proverbs 3:11,12 “My son, do not despise the discipline of the Lord Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” Hebrews 12:5-7 quotes those verses and adds “If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons;….” Then in Heb. 12:9 “Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live ?” 10 “…… that we may be partakers of His holiness.” 11 “….., afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Can we get here from there ? Yeah, I want some of that stuff.

Proverbs is said by our book to be “Not absolute promises, but true principles.” So let’s go to the N.T. and get the absolute promise. Philippians 4:19-20 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Therefore, He will provide me wisdom and understanding. Return to Prov. 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, …” Prov. 15:33 “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, And before honor is humility.”

Reverence & Fear = (n) revere. respect. admire. (adj) acclaim. high regard. high esteem. That’s what I want to do toward God and His Word..

Reverence & Fear’s opposite, antonyms for reverence & fear = dishonor. disrespect. disregard. hate. condemnation. criticism. dislike. disdain. scorn. The media are certainly reporting those toward Christianity. Do we slip into these behaviors ourselves, of course we can- when we do not concentrate on God’s wisdom.

Wisdom: The point in “treasure my commands” are not in the sense of his personal decrees but as God’s word that we internalize and make personal. “So as we read Proverbs 2:1 – 5. we see these words: receive. treasure. incline. apply. cry out. lift up the voice. seek. search. “All indicate desire, expressing itself in devotion” (Morgan) Brothers & Sisters without this effort to seek out wisdom — we will lack / be deficient / fall short in our fear & reverence of the Lord and in knowledge of God. But when we do, then (verses 2:5-9) God gives wisdom, shields, guards, preserves, and you usually get good path.

After a while a good or bad path becomes a rut. Sometimes ruts turn bad. As those who have lived on dirt roads know: there are good ruts and bad ruts. Both are hard to get out of. Early in our marriage, I usually got off at 5pm. Ginger worked late. So, I would drop off at our neighborhood bar and have a couple beers to ease anxiety – instead of going to an empty house which caused me anxiety. I was under “my understanding and false impressions” that it was a good path for me. It got so, even if Ginger was not working late, I would still go to the bar. That lead to many of the bad things we hear are common. I was in a bad path /rut and I needed the Lord’s help to get out of it. I lost 5 very close family members to death one at a time. My drinking became heavy and the Lord confronted me through Godly people. God chastened me. He rebuked me. It felt like scourging. So, I got help. Everytime I felt like drinking, I would start walking and repeating the Lord’s Prayer until it passed. I have not drank alcohol since 1988. I seldom miss it, but still the thought strikes; that’s when I have learned to turn to the Lord and away from my selfish desires for false relief. verse 2:10 and I let “wisdom enter your (my) heart”.

Bridges said, “The heart is the first thing that wanders away from God, and it is the first thing that returns to God.” So we need to keep our heart focused on fear / reverencing God.

One other point. verse 3:9 “Honor the Lord with your possessions,….” In the late 1990’s I got into a financial pickle. I had over $10,000 of medical debt that I couldn’t seem to get paid off or even down. I made the decision that I would apply my tithe to that debt – because God didn’t want me in debt. At the end of almost a year, I still had that $10,000 debt load. I realized my mistake and repented to the Lord and resumed tithes. Within a few short months the debt was somehow paid off. What a lesson. I don’t believe in “prosperity preaching”, you can’t get rich by over-giving. But I learned that it was true for me “to Honor the Lord with your possessions.”.

I’ll close with this from Brother Charles Stanley. “In this life, tests come in all shapes and sizes. Some we anticipate; others blindside us. Some tests require us to endure; others involve making the right decision immediately. Regardless of the difficulty, God instructs us to come to Him for the wisdom we so desperately need.”

I have found that doing it all the time can work so much better than in the middle of a crisis. Let’s keep the faith, shown through our discipline. Remember that God has loving kindness toward YOU. God is so good. Amen.

Next week we will look at Proverbs 3:21 to 4:10. Read it and your Personal Lesson Guide. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Pray for us – we are praying for YOU.

Update From Pastor Danny on Services at Southmoore

Dear Southmoore Church Family and Friends,

Last Sunday, June 7th, was our first church service since we started online services March 22nd. We had approximately 40 people in both the 9:30 am and 10:45 am services. Boy, was it great to see people back in church.

I know many of you are praying about when to return to our services. I am praying with and for you as you seek God’s will for yourself. God promises to answer our prayers and He will direct your decision. We will continue to make our services online so you won’t miss a service.

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for our audio-visual team. Because of them, we are able to record our services for not only our church family, but also many others who have joined us through this ministry.

I also want to thank Bro. Doug Snook and his music ministry team in leading us in worship each Sunday. They do a great job and always lead us to the Throne!

The East Wing Children and Fellowship Hall project is making progress. The sheetrock is up, and the mud and tape should begin in a few days. The project is taking shape. Just a reminder, the East Wing will be Sunday School for all children starting at birth through the sixth grade. It also will include Children’s Church, a Fellowship Hall, and Kitchen. This project will truly be a blessing for our church and to all who come.

Last of all, I want to thank you for your continued financial support to Southmoore. Our tithes and offerings have stayed consistent during the last three months. The contributions have been approximately 20,000.00 each month. Thank you for not only doing your part to reach our budget, but also going above and beyond.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

To Live Is Christ,

Bro. Danny

Sunday School Material Pick Up

On Sunday, June 7th, you will be able to pick up your Sunday School material after service. The guides, including the leader guides, will be available for pick up in the gym as you exit the building.

Announcement for Southmoore Church Family

Dear Southmoore Church Family,

I have some great news to share! We will open the doors of our church on June 7, 2020. So mark your calendar, pray, and come expectant for God to do something special in your heart.

Of course, June 7 will be different. We will be taking every precaution to ensure that we will all stay safe.

Here are the guidelines we will be following:

  • If you are sick, please stay home.
  • We will continue to record our services for those who cannot attend.
  • We will have 2 services
    • 9:30 AM – we encourage the older adults to attend this service. But you are more than welcome to attend either service.
    • 10:45 AM
  • Please enter the front doors of the church for both services.
  • The 9:30 AM service will exit through the gym/fellowship hall doors. This will help keep social distancing.
  • There will be no children’s church or childcare at this time.
  • We will not pass offering plates: But there will be offering plates in the sanctuary.
  • There will not be any bulletins.
  • You are not required to wear a mask, but you may choose to do so.
  • There will be hand sanitizer available as you enter.

If I have left anything out, please contact me. I will welcome and appreciate your input and suggestions. I have never pastored a church under these circumstances. Together we can go forward!

These days have reminded me when I came home from the hospital after my open-heart surgery. The doctors gave me a long list of dos and don’ts. I knew the medical staff gave me these guidelines to help me in my recovery.

Church, we are all in this together! I’m excited to see what God has in store for us.

I’ll see you on June 7, 2020.

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny

Update From Pastor Danny

Dear Southmoore,

I wanted to take this opportunity to not only say hello, but also give you some information as we go forward during this coronavirus.

Damon Swift, Hayden Young, Doug Snook, and I met Sunday afternoon to talk about what needs to be done as we prepare to open the doors of the church.

First of all, we were all in agreement that we should not start having church May 3, 2020. I know that’s not what any of us want to hear. But, with so many unknowns about the virus, we felt this was the best decision at this time.

We believe it is best to pray, wait, and observe to see what happens as other businesses and churches open. We also believe that people’s safety and health is our top priority.

So, when will the church be open again? I don’t know. Please pray with us as we go forward. You don’t know how my heart breaks writing these words. Hopefully, we will “gather together” soon.

When we do open the doors, it will not be “business as usual.” We will have to implement many changes in order to ensure meeting together will be safe as possible.

  1. Southmoore will have 2 worship services on Sundays:
    • 9:30 am and 10:45 am
    • Services will be limited to 100 people.
    • We are encouraging the older adults to come to the 9:30 am service. We will let you decide if you are in this category.
  2. Guidelines for when you arrive:
    • Everyone will come through the front doors.
    • You will enter the sanctuary immediately.
    • We will practice social distancing (even in the sanctuary).
    • Chairs will be marked for you to sit in.
    • Families can sit together.
  3. Guidelines for when you exit:
    • The 9:30 am worship service will exit out the north doors in the gym/fellowship hall. This will allow us to maintain social distance as people arrive for the 10:45 am service.
    • The 10:45 am worship services can exit out the front doors or the gym/fellowship doors.
  4. This that will not happen:
    • No Sunday School
    • No Childcare
    • No Children’s Church
    • No Coffee and Donuts
    • No Sunday pm Services
    • No Wednesday night meal and services
    • No Choir or Choir Practice
    • No Associational Children’s Camp at Falls Creek

(This reminds me when I was a little boy; my nickname was “No-No.”)

As you can see, things will be different. These guidelines are not implemented to take away from our traditional way of doing church, they are there to keep us as safe as possible.

Finally, I want to thank you for your continual prayers, support, and your tithes and offerings. Our contributions continue to be consistent over the last couple of months. Progress continues to be made on the Children’s Fellowship Hall, East Wing Project. PTL!

I miss you very, very much!

I love you very, very much!

To Live Is Christ,

Bro, Danny

Hello Southmoore Church Family

Hello Southmoore Church Family,

I hope this letter finds you doing well in these uncertain days. All of our lives have changed. We are “doing life” differently because of the coronavirus. I know you are doing your part during the battle. I miss you and pray for you always. I can’t wait for the day we will be able to worship together.

This week, President Trump said that the country will slowly reopen. Which means our churches also will reopen.

Before that happens, we will need to prayerfully consider what we need to do to keep our church as safe as possible.

Ken Brady, an Oklahoma pastor, has compiled over 20 questions churches need to ask before we open our doors.

Here are some of those questions:

  • What adjustments will you make to the Lord’s Supper, baptisms, and choir ministry?
  • What about camps and VBS?
  • What about Sunday School?
  • Should we “pass the plate” for offerings?
  • Will we continue Children’s Church?
  • Will we provide coffee and donuts?
  • Will we have greeters and bulletins?
  • What about Sunday night and Wednesday night services?

The list goes on and on. As we can see, we will need to make many decisions before we open the doors of the church again. If you have any thoughts, opinions, or recommendations, please let me know. And above all, pray!

I also want to take this opportunity to give you an update on the East Wing Project at church. Progress is being made. The interior walls are up and now the electricians, plumbers, and heat and air can be installed. Of course, this will take some time depending on the coordination of all the sub-contractors.

Just a reminder to let you know that the church voted to begin this project in our last business meeting. Also, it was discussed to use $200,000 out of our general checking to begin this project. This will leave approximately $100,000 in our checking balance. By the way, our offering and tithes have been consistent over the last two months. Thank you for faithfully supporting the church with your tithes. You’re the best!

The stewardship committee voted to take action so we could start the project. We will have a better idea in a few weeks of the total cost of the project. We will consider some options for financing the balance.

I hope you are enjoying our church services on our website. I have talked to some of our members who didn’t know we have services on our website. Please help me pass this information on to the rest of the church.

I’m looking forward to the day we can assemble again together.

Oh what a day that will be!

To Live is Christ,

Bro. Danny